LEGAL NOTICE website is published by the french company LA BOX IKIGAI, a new and recent french company and also new owner for the website since 10th of May, 2023. Previous owner was Super Heat Plus. To contact them write to

Informations about our company =

Type of company : Individual business
Head office: 15 rue des Halles, 00000 PARIS
Registration with the Paris RCS under number : 000 000 000.
Intra-community VAT number : FR6123456789.

Phone number: +0000000000

You can contact us by email at In a logic of respect for the privacy of its users, the company LA BOX IKIGAI is engaged in the collection and processing of personal data, carried out within this site, in compliance with the french law n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, known as the “Data Processing and Freedoms” law.

In accordance with article 34 of the law relating to the protection of personal data of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, rectify, modify and delete data concerning you. You can contact us at Our site is hosted on the Shopify platform.